Steering & Suspension Repair

ASE certified repairs/replacement. Struts, shocks, control arms, tie rods, steering gears, sway bar links and more.

What is Steering and Suspension?

Steering and suspension are two categories that work together when driving your vehicle. Steering helps the driver steer with comfort and ease while suspension controls the vehicle’s weight on bumpy or uneven roads. Components of the steering and suspension systems include struts, shocks, control arms, tie rods, stabilizer bar, bushings and links, steering knuckle, steering shafts, and ball joints. Having intact suspension and steering components can ensure driver safety and maximize tire life.

Symptoms of faulty suspension and steering components

If you suspect or feel anything abnormal in your suspension or steering, have your systems checked. These symptoms can include, but are not limited to, hard steering, noise over bumps or turns, car wanders or pulls when going straight, steering wheel wobbles/vibrates, bumpy ride, or steering wheel jerking irregularly.

If any of these symptoms arise, call A to B Auto Repair to have your systems checked by an ASE certified mechanic.
Regular check ups can be done during maintenance intervals, state inspection, when tires or brakes are being replaced, or any time something doesn’t feel right.

Certifications that you can trust

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Give us a call:
(610) 777-8280